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Neighborhood Workers

Local Services List: Babysitters, Pet and Plant Sitters, Lawn Mowing, Music Lessons, etc.

If you would like a list of people in the neighborhood who offer services for hire, please email the Windandtide Board at windandtideboard@gmail.com

Please include your name and address so that we can identify you as a neighbor.

How can my family member be added to the list?

Inclusion on the list is available to those resident families who have supported the association with dues for the current year.

If you have a person in your family who would like to be included on the list, please let us know by email at windandtideboard@gmail.com

Please include your own identity, your address within Windandtide, the person's name, age, services offered, and a telephone contact number.

DISCLAIMER: Inclusion on this list does not constitute an endorsement of any kind.


Your Neighbors

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